Saturday, April 4, 2015

[Game]Me Girl Celebs- Nevermore, Chapter 1 Level 3 Cheat

"Nevermore" is the next movie after "S.S Titan". Its a little creepy, haha. Here is the sysnopsis.

For the first role we need a creepy actress but since I only have Stella in my list of talent I have to hire someone else. I have the enough amount of coins so its ok for me to hire another actress to achieve three stars. But if you still don't have that much of money you can always play on the Job part of the game then comeback to shot a movie. 

The role of Donna asks for someone creepy so we need an actress in the horror genre. The cheapest actress that can do horror is Kelly Harrison so I hired her

In dressing Kelly, the role needs a sinister look so we need a dark concept. I still have money so I bought some items on the shop to have dark concept clothes.

For the role of Donna I had picked the folowing clothes:

  • [dark] blonde short curly hair (from the shop)- 5 points
  • [dark] black dangling earrings (from the shop)- 7 points
  • [dark] black laced sleeveless (from the shop)- 13 points
  • [dark] navy shorts (from the shop)- 2 points 
  • [dark] patched black stockings ( from the shop)- 12 points
  • [casual] blue sandals- 2 points

Total of 41 points

You can see that most of the items I had used are all dark concept except the sandals because I still don't have dark concept shoes. The points of the blue casual colored sandals can't affect the dark concept outfit because it is just 2 points 

Now, for the role of Eva we needed someone illicit which means she has to be in the crime genre. I still have money so I hired Rachel Diovanni.

You can see that beside the recruitment button is a red gift. It means that after hiring Rachel all of the clothes that she is wearing will be yours already.

For the role of Eva we needed a hopeless romantic concept for her clothes. Hopeless romantic means it has to be on the preppy concept. 

For the role of Eva I had picked the following clothes:

  • [preppy] blonde hair- 2 points
  • [star] black t-shirt (from recruiting Rachel) - 10 points
  • [preppy] peach cardigan- 2 points
  • [preppy] leather skirt- 2 points
  • [preppy] bluelike leggings- 2 points
  • [star] shoes ( from recruiting Rachel) - 10 points
  • [preppy] feather necklace- 2 points
  • [preppy] pink eyeshadows- 2 points

Total of 32 points

For the shootong location choose the following places:

Always remember to choose the script yourself because it will give you additional points. For a perfect result choose the following in the actress conversation.

Nevermore with perfect review and three stars.

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